Starting alone, continued by all

As times goes by, weather has been changing and shocking everyone. The atmosphere is rising in temperature, floods are being common, many landslides are occuring, and Sea Levels are rising. Because of us, being irresponsible in caring for the nature, we forget about what are its effects. In joining various programs and practicing effective actions, we can minimize the rapid changing of the climate. This change of the weathers, can destroy the agricultural lands and crops that affect the farmers and us consumers. Bayanihan is one of the best characteristics of a Filipino. Bayanihan shows resiliency among us Filipinos because we are always ready to help. In times of calamities, we keep our smiles and just move on by helping each other to rise up from these nightmares. To have a stronger and effective preparation, the government implements various programs that spread awareness and knowledge about the change of climate. As we all know, we can never stop climate change. Howeve...