The Exploitation of Such Beauties

 The Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004 (RA 9262) is an instrument to fight against VAW in our country. However, other laws has also a significant role in addressing different problems of this difficult issue. 

The RA 7877: The Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995. This law tells a specific form of VAW that often goes unreported and unaddressed: sexual harassment.  RA 7877 defines sexual harassment as "any unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favor, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature" that creates a hostile or offensive environment.

RA 7877 recognizes that sexual harassment can occur in various places, including the workplace, educational institutions, and public spaces. It goes beyond physical assault and acknowledges the

psychological and emotional damage caused by unwanted sexual attention.

The law has helped raise awareness about sexual harassment and empowered victims to find justice. It provides legal power for victims and encourages institutions to establish clear policies and mechanisms for reporting and addressing such incidents.

Despite its importance, RA 7877 faces challenges in implementation.  Some victims may still hesitate to report incidents because of fear of abuse or social embarrassment. 


The RA 11313: The Safe Spaces Act of 201. This law, also known as the "Bawal Bastos" Act, takes a proactive approach to preventing VAW by creating "safe spaces" in public areas and workplaces.  It prohibits various forms of harassment, including catcalling, unwanted touching, and sexist remarks.

RA 11313 recognizes that VAW is not confined to domestic settings but can occur in public spaces, where women often feel vulnerable and unsafe. 

By creating "safe spaces," the law aims to empower women and discourage perpetrators. The law has made the public be aware on gender equality and the need to create a more respectful and safer places for women.  It has also prompted various institutions to implement stricter policies against harassment.

The law's effectiveness relies heavily on enforcement and public awareness.  Some argue that the law's definition of "harassment" is too harsh and might lead to many complains.  Furthermore, the law's focus on public spaces may not include to address harassment in online platforms.


While RA 9262 remains a very important piece of legislation in the Philippines, laws like RA 7877 and RA 11313 shows a growing recognition of the nature of VAW.  These laws aim to address specific forms of violence and create a safer environment for women by promoting awareness, providing legal actions, and making a culture that has respect and equality.  However, continued efforts are needed to make sure of the effectiveness in  implementing these laws and addressimg the ongoing challenges in combating VAW in the Philippines.


“Women Empowerment” Photographic Print for sale by PbJournal. N/A. PbJournal. Retrieved from

Art Department - Photography Brooke Nipar. N/A. Brooke Nipar. Retrieved from

Sticker for Sale avec l'œuvre «pouvoir des filles de l'artiste lirdawn. N/A. livdawn. Retrieved from


  1. Wow! I love how you advocate women's right against violence and exploitation. Let's raise Women Empowerment!

    1. Wow! Thank you so much! We should be really are.

  2. Your work is amazing. Keep up the good work!

  3. thankyou for sharing your knowledge about this topic, I like how you you share information about this article. Keep it up!

  4. let us work together for the better!

  5. Sharing your knowledge about this certain topic feels so empowering as woman. Thank you for standing and proving that woman ay hindi nahuhuli:)


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